Frequently Asked Questions
What is Effective Altruism Funds?
What is the history of Effective Altruism Funds?
Are EA Funds tax deductible?
How do I know which organizations the Fund managers are likely to support?
Why donate to Effective Altruism Funds?
What are the available Funds, and how did you choose which Funds to set up?
What if I think a different area is more promising than these funds?
Why did you create Effective Altruism Funds?
Why not just donate to individual charities?
How are Effective Altruism Funds different from donor-advised funds (DAF)?
Why do donations to EA Funds go to Effective Ventures and not a separate donor-advised fund (DAF)?
Why might some people choose not to donate to Effective Altruism Funds?
How do the Funds work?
Does any money go to the Effective Ventures Foundation (EVF) and/or the fund managers?
How do you reduce administrative fees?
What tax documentation will I get?
What payment types do you accept?
What if I want to change my allocation after I've donated?
How can I cancel a recurring donation?
Can I donate to the Effective Altruism Funds in my will?
Can I donate to the Effective Altruism Funds if I’m not a Giving What We Can member?
How will you use my data?
Will my donations be confidential?
How can I learn about grants made by the funds?
Who are the current Fund managers?
How are the Fund managers chosen?
How independent are the Fund managers? Does the Effective Ventures Foundation (EVF) control or influence their actions? What if EVF and Fund managers disagree?
Can I contact the Fund managers directly?
What are the considerations in favor of recurring versus yearly donations?
What fees are charged on donations?
Can I set up a monthly direct debit to EA Funds?
Who is in charge of Effective Altruism Funds?
Who can I contact if I have a question not answered here?
Can I donate cryptocurrency, stocks or other appreciated assets?
I have a problem with a donation. How can I contact the EA Funds team?
My credit card has expired (or is about to expire). How do I update my billing details?
Can I choose which day my recurring payment is taken?
How do I apply for funding?
Which charities are supported by EA Funds?
Can I get tax advice from EV relating to my grant?
May I speak with you before submitting a funding application?
How quickly does EA Funds disburse the grant money to the grantee?
Why donate with crypto on EA Funds?
How do I donate crypto on EA Funds?
Can I make very large crypto donations?
How Effective Crypto Works
Data Protection
Donating Cryptocurrency
Effective Giving
Fund Management
How EA Funds Works
Why Use EA Funds